《方舟:生存进化》实用食物配方及作用介绍 食物怎么制作


    Rockwell Recipes:Energy Brew
    This simple tonic quickly rejuvenates your body's natural energy stores
    2 handful of Azulberries
    1/2 dollops of Narcotic
    Submerge in Water
    Cook in a Cooking Pot
    Rockwell Recipes:Medical
    This simple tonic immediately jump-starts your body's natural healing
    2 handful of Tintoberries
    1/2 dollops of Stimulant
    Submerge in Water
    Cook in a Cooking Pot
    Rockwell Recipes:Enduro Stew
    This hearty dish is like a workout in the form of a meal. You will find yourself hitting harder and running longer
    eating this.
    3 servings of cooked meat
    5 Rockarrot
    5 Savoroot
    1 handful of Mejoberries
    1/2 dollop of Stimulant
    Submerge in Water
    Cook in a Cooking Pot
    Rockwell Recipes:Focal Chili
    This filling dish is full of nutritional energy, You will notice your mind more focussed after eating this,
    allowing you to avoid obstacles and distractions.
    3 servings of cooked meat
    5 Citronal
    2 handfuls of Amarberries
    2 handfuls of Azulberries
    2 handfuls of Tintoberries
    1 handfuls of Mejoberries
    Submerge in Water
    Cook in a Cooking Pot
    Rockwell Recipes:Fria Curry
    This spicy vegetarian dish fills the body with a comfortable warmth, It controls your appetite while helping you
    ignore the cold.
    5 Longrass
    5 Rockarrot
    2 handfuls of Azulberries
    1 handfuls of Mejoberries
    1/2 dollop of Narcotic
    Submerge in Water
    Cook in a Cooking Pot
    Rockwell Recipes:Lazarus
    This creamy dish improves the body's natural constitution. You will recover from injury more quickly after eating
    this.and your body will need less oxygen.
    3 servings of cooked meat
    5 Savoroot
    5 Longrass
    1 handfuls of Mejoberries
    1/2 dollop of Narcotic
    Submerge in Water
    Cook in a Cooking Pot
    Rockwell Recipes:Battle
    Only eat this dish when you intend to go into a brawl. It causes pain and stress to your body,but grants you almost
    supernatural strength, speed,and resilience.
    Warning:this concoction can be habit-forming
    1 serving of Raw Prime Meat
    2 handfuls of Mejoberries
    2 dollops of Stimulant
    2 Rare Flowers
    1 Citronal
    1 Longrass
    Submerge in Water
    Cook in a Cooking Pot
    Rockwell Recipes:Shadow
    Only eat this dish in the dark. it causes the light receptors in your syes to become hyperactive,improves your
    hand-eye coordination and allows your body to ignore extreme temperatures.
    Warning:this concoction can be habit-forming
    1 serving of Cooked Prime Meat
    2 handfuls of Mejoberries
    2 dollops of Narcotic
    2 Rare Mushrooms
    1 Savoroot
    1 Rockarrot
    Submerge in Water
    Cook in a Cooking Pot
    Rockwell Recipes:Meat Jerky
    While it might not taste as good as freshly cooked meat,jerky is just as nutritious and lasts much longer.
    1/3 serving of meat (any quality)
    1/4 dollop of Oil
    Sprinkle with Sparkpowder (to dehydrate)
    Cook in a Preserving Bin