

    For chopping. 砍树。
    Used to build buildings. 建建筑。
    粗糙长矛=2木棍+1石头片+ 1绳子
    Used for Fishing and/or is used as a weapon. 用于捕鱼或者用作武器。
    A simple Campfire that has low durability. 耐久度很低的一个简单营火。
    A Fire Pit is an attachment to a Campfire that increases its durability. 比简单营火耐久高。
    高级营火=(Fire Spit)1火坑+3木棍+1绳子
    A Fire Spit is an addition to a Fire Pit that allows you to attach Cookable Food ''to the spit that does not require attention whilst cooking. 能系住食物,煮东西不用一直看着。
    木筏(Raft)=8 木棍
    The same as a Foundation but placed of the water surface.放水面上的地基
    地基=8 木棍
    If you right click on a Foundation it will break into its pieces.如果你点右键建个地基,会自动平整附近的东西。(对游戏不熟,但大概应该是这个意思……)
    Can be placed at each corner of a Foundation.在地基一个角上立个柱子。
    墙=1地基+4 木棍+2棕榈树叶
    Can be placed adjacent to Supports.在支柱间建墙。
    屋顶=1地基+4 木棍+4棕榈树叶
    Can be placed on top of 4 Supports.建在四个支柱上。
    台阶=1地基+5 木棍+6绳子
    Can be placed at any side of a Foundation that’s not occupied.在没建墙的一面建个台阶。
    Can be used for sleeping.用来睡觉。