《文明6》外交系统介绍及改变一览 外交系统大升级

In Civilization VI, every choice you make has an effect on the world, whether it’s choosing where to unstack your cities or how you’ll manage the myriad agendas of global politics. Today, we focus on the latter, as we discuss the Diplomacy system with Civilization VI’s lead designer, Ed Beach.
在文明VI的世界里,不论你是在决定在哪里建设城市分区亦或者是在诡谲多变的全球政治里获得一席之地,你所做的一切决定都会对整个世界产生影响。今天我们将与文明VI的首席设计师Ed Beach一起来关注后者:外交系统。
“Diplomacy in Civilization VI has more layers and evolution to it than ever before,” Beach tells us. Players will need to actively peel back these layers, should they wish to achieve great things through the political landscape – and it’s all possible. Diplomacy need not be a transparent affair, thanks to the wealth of information provided by the game’s “Gossip” system.
Contextual situations, historical agendas, hidden agendas and the numerous other layers operating all within Civilization VI’s Diplomacy system create almost limitless variety for players, which is something Beach says the developers actively strived for during development.

War plays into the Civilization VI Diplomacy system as well, offering some very interesting parameters for players to operate within. “First of all you get NO warmonger diplomatic penalty at all for making war in the Ancient Era. The penalty phases in and starts to get significant around the Renaissance, but that’s when the new Casus Belli system comes fully into play.” Casus Belli, a Latin expression, means “an act or situation provoking or justifying war.”

But in order to cater to their agendas, you must know their agendas, which brings us back to diplomatic visibility and how crucial it is in Civilization VI. Information is power, and Beach has a great tip for this: “I always try to send a diplomatic delegation to all the other leaders to get my visibility boosted. It costs a small increment of gold but is always worth it.” Or you can play as France, whose spies always keep you informed.
Beach’s last suggestion? Try to play Civilization VI like you’re roleplaying your leader’s historical agenda. “For instance, Queen Victoria of England has an agenda to get a city on every continent in Civilization VI. I’m currently playing a game and making that my exact goal. We even put in several achievements for following an agenda along these lines. This sort of role-playing can really be a lot of fun.”