

    The Albino Antlion is an enemy found in Deserts during the day. They remain stationary with their head sticking out of the sand, and will shoot sand at players. They can only launch their projectile at an upwards angle (straight upwards or within ~45 degrees to the left or right), so approaching from lower ground means you will usually be out of their line of fire.
    Albino Antlions will climb up walls if they are touching the wall.
    白蚁会在白天的沙漠里找到。 它们虽然只露出头不会动,但会向玩家发射沙块。 它们只会向上或者左右45°角发射抛射物,所以在地上靠近就不会进入射程。
    神圣恶魔 (arch 可以翻译为主教, 代表神圣。0.0)
    Arch Demons are found in The Underworld in the console version only. In addition to causing physical damage if contacted, they shoot accelerating purple blades at the player, similar to the Demon Scythe spell, in volleys of four. These blades are stopped by barriers such as walls and ash blocks, and have a chance of blinding the player. The blades cannot be destroyed if they are hit by a weapon, unlike the fireballs of the Fire Imp which can be destroyed.
    Arch Demons are immune to the On Fire! debuff.
    神圣恶魔只能在主机板地下世界找到。 像地狱恶魔一样,神圣恶魔发射的一批4个会加速紫色的圆刀会对玩家造成更高的物理伤害并且有几率对造成失明。 这些攻击会被一些障碍物挡住,像墙,石灰土堆,但是不会被玩家的武器打碎,想小恶魔的小火球一样。
    AI 种类:植物
    The Dragon Snatcher is a plant monster that appears in the Jungle. Its appearance is very similar to the Snatcher and the Underground Jungles Man Eater, and its AI is identical.
    The Dragon Snatcher is rooted to the ground, but resides in the background, similar to Worms. It is therefore able to move through walls, and is immune to knockback. Players should be cautious in the Jungle, as a hidden Dragon Snatcher can catch them by surprise. Caution should be advised even when the player seems to be out of the Dragon Snatchers reach, as they can extend their stems and thus improve their reach rapidly.
    Dragon Snatchers are immune to the Poisoned debuff.
    龙骷髅(龙头骨? 还是骷髅霸气点)
    AI 种类:飞行物
    The Dragon Skull is a flying monster found only in Dungeons. It is similar to the Meteor Head, with high damage, slow speed, and the ability to travel through walls. It floats slowly towards the player, usually circling around them for a while, before suddenly lunging forward to attack. When striking a player, the Dragon Skull has a chance to apply the Cursed debuff. This renders the player unable to use items, including weapons, potions, and Grappling Hooks, making it very difficult to avoid further damage.
    Dragon Skulls are immune to the Poisoned and the On Fire! debuffs.
    龙骷髅是个在地牢的飞行怪物。 跟陨石球一样, 有着高攻击,低速度和穿墙的能力。 它会慢慢的飞向玩家,在发动攻击前一般会围着玩家转圈。 在攻击玩家时,龙骷髅有几率给玩家造成诅咒的debuff,让玩家不能使用物品包括武器,药水跟爪钩。
    AI 种类:飞行物
    Dragon Hornets are powerful flying enemies found only in the Underground Jungle. They follow the standard Flying AI, floating just out of reach and then charging the player, while also firing stingers which have a 1 in 3 chance topoison the player for 10 seconds. These projectiles can NOT be destroyed with weapons and travel at about the same speed as the darts from a Dart Trap.
    龙峰是一只只会出现在地下从林的强大怪物。 它们跟其他飞行AI一样, 在射程外漂浮直到对玩家发起冲锋,同时发射刺有33.33%率对玩家造成10秒的毒伤害。这些跟毒箭一样速度的刺是不会被武器损坏。
    虎鲸(orka 是虎鲸缩写)
    AI 种类:游泳物
    Orcas are console only enemies found in Oceans。
    环境:地下世界洞穴?(原来cavern 在这里)
    AI 种类:格斗物(格斗?近战?)
    Vampire Miners appear in cavern-level biomes and follow the Fighter AI. They wear (but do not drop) a Mining Helmet, which provides a small amount of light around them. This light can sometimes reveal sealed caves, much like bloomingBlinkroot. Vampire miners can break down doors.
    Vampire Miners are immune to the Poisoned debuff.
    吸血矿工是近战AI只在地下世界出现。 它们穿戴发光的矿工头盔(但是不掉落), 有时候发光的头盔能给玩家指出封闭的洞穴。 这种光源有时候很像 bloomingBlinkroot(真心不知道翻译,我知道这个 一般地下发光的那个植物)。。 吸血矿工会打破门(话说不是只在地下出现么, 地下有门?还是 玩家脑残去地下建房子。)。
    最大生命:8000 (小boss呀)
    AI 种类:飞行物
    Arch Wyverns are large, console-only, Hardmode enemies that spawn at high altitudes and look similar to Wyverns. They resemble oriental dragons, are long and green, and follow the Worm AI.
    神圣白龙是个长得跟白龙一样(又好意思说),很大,主机版才有的强大怪物, 并且只在高空出现。他们像东方的神龙。
    AI 种类:飞行物
    The Shadow Hammer is a stronger version of the Cursed Hammer. It has a attack pattern similar to the enchanted sword. Its attack can be stopped by dealing it any amount of knockback. It only spawns during Hardmode in the Underground Corruption.
    暗影巨锤是加强版的诅咒巨锤。它的攻击线路跟魔法巨剑差不多。 它的攻击可以被击退阻止。 它只在困难模式的腐蚀地下出现。
    AI 种类:近战
    The Shadow Mummy is a console exclusive hardmode desert enemy. In appearance, it is a figure wrapped in dark cloth. It appears to follow the Fighter AI. Shadow Mummies can spawn underground if there are enough ebonsand blocks.
    Shadow Mummies are 150% faster than normal Mummies(like Dark Mummies). Like all mummies Shadow Mummies receive a 200% speed increase when they are reduced to 50% health or lower. Shadow Mummies inflict Silenced and Darkness.
    Shadow Mummies do NOT drop Dark Shards.
    暗影木乃伊只有在困难模式的腐蚀沙漠出现。 长相来看,它看上去像被黑布裹着(话说木乃伊不该被裹着么,废话连篇)。 暗影木乃伊在有足够的腐蚀沙子的情况下会出现在地下。
    暗影木乃伊比木乃伊快150%(这是快150%还是 快50%呀,不说清楚)。跟其他的木乃伊一样,当它的生命减少到50%时,暗影木乃伊会加速200%。暗影木乃伊会给玩家造成静默跟黑暗的debuff。
    AI 种类:史莱姆
    The Shadow Slime is a console exclusive Hardmode Slime enemy appearing in The Corruption. Like the Corrupt Slime it splits into three Slimelings upon death. Both its original form and the Slimelings can inflict the Darkness debuff.
    暗影史莱姆只在主机版的困难模式的腐蚀之地出现。 跟腐蚀史莱姆一样,当它死亡时会分成3个小史莱姆。 它跟它的小史莱姆都会对玩家造成黑暗debuff。
    AI 种类:近战
    The Spectral Elemental is a console exclusive Hardmode enemy that spawns in the Underground Hallow. It runs around and teleports like the Chaos Elemental, attempting to damage the player by making contact. The Spectral Elemental moves much slower and less chaotically than the Chaos Elemental.
    Like many Underground Hallow enemies, Chaos Elementals have a glowing pink afterimage.
    光谱元素只在主机版的困难模式的地下神圣之地出现。 它跟混乱元素一样设法靠近并且伤害玩家,而且会传送。光谱元素移动速度相对较慢,更加的有规律。跟其他的神圣地底怪物一样,光谱元素有一个粉色的残影。
    光影蜗牛(gastropod是腹足的意思。 但是这里必须是蜗牛0.0 蜗牛也是腹足纲的)
    AI 种类:飞行物。。(蜗牛会飞,纠结 [ALI213::IMAGE::045.GIF])
    The Spectral Gastropod is a console exclusive flying Hardmode enemy that appears frequently at the surface of The Hallow at night, and fires lasers. They resemble Gastropods but deal more damage and do NOT drop Gel.
    Spectral Gastropods are immune to the Confused debuff.
    AI 种类:近战
    The Spectral Mummy is a console exclusive hardmode desert enemy. Unlike theLight Mummy the Spectral Mummy will not drop a Light Shard (used in order to make the Dao of Pow)
    光影木乃伊只能再主机版困难模式的神圣沙漠找到。 不像光之木乃伊,光影木乃伊不会掉落光之晶石。
    Boss 欧克兰
    Ocram is the final Boss in the Console Version of Terraria. He is summoned with the Suspicious Looking Skull at Night. As of the console release, Ocram is the most difficult Boss in the game.
    欧克兰是这主机版游戏最后的boss。召唤它需要在晚上使用可疑的骷髅。 作为主机版来说,欧克兰是游戏里最难打的boss。
    Ocrams attack style is very similar to that of Eye of Cthulhu. Like the Eye of Cthulhu, it charges repeatedly at the player while summoning Servants of Ocram (which act similarly to Servants of Cthulhu). Additionally, it fires numerous red laser beams. After its health is halved, it will, like several other bosses, switch into its second form. However, it will still continue to summon servants, unlike the Eye of Cthulhu. It will also constantly charge at the player(s), and the laser changes to a more damaging blue laser, with accompanying Demon Scythes.
    欧克兰的攻击方式跟克鲁苏之眼的攻击方式相近。 跟克鲁苏一样, 欧克兰会向玩家充分的同时召唤小弟,欧克兰的奴仆(跟克鲁苏的奴仆一样),还会向玩家射击激光。当它的生命值到达一般的时候,它会像其他的一些boss一样转换成第二种形态。但是跟克鲁苏不一样的是,它还会继续召唤奴仆, 继续向玩家冲锋,向玩家射击蓝色的激光 跟 恶魔镰刀(估计也是4个镰刀一起。)。
    最大生命:5 (脆皮?)
    Servants of Ocram are weak flying enemies that are summoned by Ocram.