

    Fixes issue whereby Roach could appear to change into a black mare with Hearts of Stone
    expansion installed
    Adds resistance to knockdown by Aard Sign to Ofieri Mage in Hearts of Stone expansion.
    Fixes issue whereby Enchant effect was removed from armor when armor was transferred into
    New Game + mode.
    Fixes issue whereby players had to buy Ofieri set from merchant to start quest titled From
    Ofier's Distant Shores.
    Fixes rare issue whereby objective remained incorrectly marked as incomplete under certain
    scenarios in quest titled Dead Man's Party in Hearts of Stone expansion.
    Fixes issue whereby number of insects appearing was excessive when players equipped Roach
    with item called Caparison of Lament.
    Fixes issue in DLC quests whereby occasionally human foes could have empty Health bars and
    could not be killed.
    Adds missing inTeraction to chest in quest titled Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear.
    Fixes issue preventing players from examining pigs during quest titled Fool's Gold.
    Modifies diagram for Enhanced Legendary Wolven Gauntlets, now craftable without Griffin
    Fixes issue whereby some item statistics and levels changed to incorrect values when
    transferred into New Game + mode.
    Fixes New Game + mode issue whereby some loot found in world could have level requirement
    in excess of 70.
    Fixes issue whereby using Whirl ability against foes armed with heavy weapons could block
    regeneration of Stamina.
    Fixes issue whereby players could not cause Geralt to walk if attempting to do so while aiming
    Fixes issue whereby quest titled Reason of State would be labeled as failed in Journal despite
    having been completed.
    Fixes issue whereby crystal required in quest titled Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear could not be found.
    [PC] Adds option to show/hide HUD/Minimap using single press of 'Home' key on keyboard.