《方舟:生存进化》吊锅配方及效果解析攻略 吊锅的作用


    大杂烩 Lazerus Chowder
    3 份生肉 Raw Meat
    5 Savoroot(拔草的时候会得到种子,只能种在中或大田里)
    5 Longrass(拔草的时候会得到种子,可以种在所有田里)
    1 堆紫果子 handful of Mejoberries
    1/2 麻醉药 Narcotic (在研磨器用腐肉和黑果子合成)
    铁汉子汤 Enduro Stew
    3 份生肉 Raw Meat
    5 Rockarrot (种田)
    5 Savoroot (种田)
    1 把紫果子 handful of Mejoberries
    1/2 兴奋剂 Stimulant (研磨)
    卡里安汤 Calien Soup
    5 个Citronal
    2 把红果子handfuls of Tintoberries
    2 把黄果子handfuls of Amarberries
    1 把紫果子handful of Mejoberries
    1/2 兴奋剂dollop of Stimulant
    暗影牛排小炒Shadow Steak Saute
    1 块大鸡腿serving Prime Meat
    2 把紫果子 handfuls Mejoberries
    2 个麻醉药dollops of Narcotic
    2 个珍稀蘑菇Rare Mushroom
    1 Savoroot
    1 Rockarrot
    真男人汤 Battle Tartare
    1 块大鸡腿 serving Prime Meat
    2 把紫果子handfuls Mejoberries
    2 个兴奋剂dollops Stimulant
    2 个珍奇花Rare Floowers
    1 Citronal
    1 Longrass
    专注辣条 Focal Chili
    具体不明,英文的意思是说让你提升专注力,避免干扰。英文原文:This filling dish is full of nutritional energy. You will notice your mind more focused after eating this, allowing you to avoid obstacles and distractions.
    3 块生肉servings of Raw Meat
    5 Citronal
    2 把黄果子handfuls of Amarberries
    2 把蓝果子handfuls of Azulberries
    2 把红果子 handfuls of Tintoberries
    1 把紫果子 handful of Mejoberries
    菲拉咖喱 Fria Curry
    5 Longrass
    5 Rockarrot
    2 把蓝果子 handfuls of Azulberries
    1 把紫果子handful of Mejoberries
    1/2 麻醉药dollop of Narcotic