

    一、 为你扒开光影模组的小内裤。
    Saturation(色饱和度) Brighness(亮度) Contrast(对比度)
    Color Shift(色差) DOF(景深) Bloom(静态高光) HDR(动态高光)
    Radius(半径) Red Blue Green(三原色:红蓝绿,所有颜色都由这三种色混合而成,例如黑色,就是三原色都为0,白色:三原色都为255)
    二、真实光源模组RealisticLighting 3.4a介绍与配置教程:
    其实说真的,很多人认为Realistic Lighting没有ENB强,这本身就是个错误,RealisticLighting作为从上古4就开始开发的光影模组,有着深厚的技术积累。只是很多人不会配置,说实话,他的配置方法让人真心蛋疼。但在现阶段,特别是中配置玩家,Realistic Lighting确实比ENB省资源,而且配置好的话,效果和ENB不相伯仲。
    真实光源Realistic Lighting 3.4a下载:
    1. 安装:解压后这几个全部扔进SKYRIM\DATA文件夹。 
    2. 设置:(一定要设置,因为默认的,包括T网和N网很多牛人设置的INI文件,都把晚上和屋内,地下城,设置得太黑了,看得眼睛疼。)
    GLOBALMULTIPLIERS (with example information)
    These areglobal multipliers - they multiply the value, and affect it globally.
    Eye AdaptSpeed is how fast the eye adjusts to new lighting conditions. RL sets to ~20 or 40.
    Bloomvariables govern the fuzzy lighting effects produced on objects.
    Bloom is setto 0 in RL, so multipliers have no effect. Its usually 7 / .3 to .4 / 3 to 4 for vanilla.
    Target Lumscan have a dramatic effect on brightness. In RL, they are usually 5 / .5. In vanilla,they are usually 1 / 1 or something close.
    Im not sureof the exact definition of these variables, so experiment with them as youwill.
    With respectto RL values, lowering target lum 2 will increase the brightness, whileincreasing it will lower the brightness.
    The effect oftarget lum 1 is usually affected by the value of lum 2.
    Sunlight andSky scales are not HDR, but are in here in the game parameters. Its not a direct sunlight,
    but itaffects how bright shadows and anything hit by the sun are. Sky scale IS directly the brightness of thesky.
    If you findthe snow too blinding in daytime, the sunlight scale can lower the blindingeffect of it.
    Eye adaptstrength is how strong the eye adaption is. RL is ~10-20.
    These are thecinematic parameters - brightness is around .25 to .5 for interiors in RL, around1 for vanilla.
    Saturation isat 1.8 for RL, all over the place in vanilla. Contrast, same - standardized to near 1.0 in RL.
    Saturationincreases the colors -> oversaturation is overcolorful, cartoonish,undersaturated is greyscale-esque.
    Brightnessdirectly controls the brightness of the scene, along with the Target Lum 1 andTarget Lum 2 variables.
    Contrast isthe depth, the sharpness, of the difference in colors.
    These are thetinting settings - in RWX format, so RGB but on a 0 to 1.0 scale, floatingpoint.
    The defaultvalues are similar for RL and vanilla, but range all over depending on the typeof area.
    Keep changessmall - small changes will make a drastic difference.
    Changes willbasically tint the entire game - if you multiply red, everything will have areddish tinge to it (or be entirely red).
    These areDepth of Field multipliers. I recommendonly changing globals.
    These areglobal modifiers - they are added on (or subtracted) after the multiplicationis done.
    Refer to theGlobal Multipliers section for definitions on each variable.
    (从这里开始讲,NIGHTTIME MULTIPLIERS意思为夜晚增效器,它决定的是夜晚光影的基础刻度是原游戏的多少倍,一般玩家改MULTIPLIERS下面的配置就好)
    These arenighttime multipliers - they multiply the value, and affect it only during thenighttime.
    Refer to theGlobal Multipliers section for definitions on each variable.
    These arenighttime modifiers - they are added on (or subtracted) after themultiplication is done, and only affect the nighttime.(鸟语好的人已经知道了,这个模块更改的数据的意思就是:在上面NIGHTTIME MULTIPLIERS的基础上增加或者减少数值,正数为加,负数为减,如果上面已经设置到位了,这里没必要去动了,全为0就好。下面的所有什么白天啊,室内啊,都和夜晚一样,分成MULTIPLIERS和MODIFIERS两块。)
    Refer to theGlobal Multipliers section for definitions on each variable.
    These aredaytime multipliers - they multiply the value, and affect it only during thedaytime.
    Refer to theGlobal Multipliers section for definitions on each variable.
    These are daytime modifiers - theyare added on (or subtracted) after the multiplication is done, and only affectthe daytime.
    Refer to theGlobal Multipliers section for definitions on each variable.
    These are dawnmultipliers - they multiply the value, and affect it only during the sunrise.
    Refer to theGlobal Multipliers section for definitions on each variable.
    These are dawnmodifiers - they are added on (or subtracted) after the multiplication is done,and only affect the sunrise.
    Refer to theGlobal Multipliers section for definitions on each variable.
    These are duskmultipliers - they multiply the value, and affect it only during the sunset.
    Refer to theGlobal Multipliers section for definitions on each variable.
    These are duskmodifiers - they are added on (or subtracted) after the multiplication is done,and only affect the sunset.
    Refer to theGlobal Multipliers section for definitions on each variable.
    These areinterior multipliers - they multiply the value, and affect only the interiors.
    Refer to theGlobal Multipliers section for definitions on each variable.
    These areinterior modifiers - they are added on (or subtracted) after the multiplicationis done, and only affect the interiors.
    Refer to theGlobal Multipliers section for definitions on each variable.
    These aredungeon multipliers - they multiply the value, and affect only the dungeons inthe game.
    Refer to theGlobal Multipliers section for definitions on each variable.
    These areDungeon modifiers - they are added on (or subtracted) after the multiplicationis done, and only affect dungeons.
    Refer to theGlobal Multipliers section for definitions on each variable.
    1.把保存后的RealisticLighting.ini文件扔进SKYRIM\DATA文件夹代替原来的INI文件。然后双击SKYRIM\DATA里的Realistic Lighting Patcher.jar(先装好JAVA),这时会生成一个叫的Realistic Lighting Patcher.espr的ESP文件。
    2.进NMM把RealisticLighting和Realistic Lighting Patcher(Realistic Lighting Patcher排在RealisticLighting后面)两个ESP打上勾就可以了。
    (这就是我上面说为什么不用在Realistic Lighting里设置色度啊景深啊的原因,因为在这里调比在Realistic Lighting的INI里调方便多了。但是在RealisticLighting里设置,可以实现在游戏的不同时段,不同地点应用不同的景深和色饱和度等设置。而在DragonWarrior-Effects中,所有地方,所有的时间段的光影效果都是一样的,所以说各有擅长。如果你舍得花时间,光用Realistic Lighting也能设置出牛B的效果。)
    肥龙 955
    AMD 880G 主板
    蓝宝石 6770 1G
    DDR3 1333 8G